Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Monthly Client Spotlight!

SPOTLIGHT ON……  Ted Hrabota!

September 2015!!

Hi, I'm Ted Hrabota. I am a 66-year-old retiree who has lived in Valparaiso for the last thirty years. I have always been interested in sports in one way or another.  It all began with Little League Baseball, then on to high school and college football. I even found time to fit golf in once in a while. When I turned 18, I became very interested in umpiring and began officiating softball games in the area. I umpired for the next 40 years. I also coached summer softball leagues for over 25 years and coached high school softball for 13 yrs. So as you can see, I stayed quite active in sports for a majority of my lifetime.
About 10 years ago, I started loosing the feeling in my feet and hands. This condition is commonly known as neuropathy.  The doctors were unable to determine what the exact cause of my condition was so it was suggested to me that I take a trip up to Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. After 3 days and a whole battery of tests, it was determined that I had spinal stenosis, which is basically calcium deposits built up on the spine and pressing against the spinal cord.  My spinal cord was being compressed in four different places and not allowing it to move. Surgery followed one week later and then the long road to recovery. The first year, I was only allowed to lift 7 lbs.  The second year, I was up to 15 lbs. Then I was allowed to start physical therapy.  Physical therapy wasn’t as effective as it could have been because it did not take into consideration the problems that I still had with my neuropathy.
This is where Pumps steps in. My wife had taken a boot camp class with Ian at the Valpo YMCA. She told me that Ian had told the story of his own recovery from surgery and might be able to help me. Ian understood exactly what problems that I was encountering during my rehab and took all of them into consideration as he proceeded to help me in getting back to a much more normal and functional life than I had been leading prior to coming to Pumps. My strength has been returning at a steady rate and Ian has also worked extensively with my balance, which has been impaired due to my neuropathy.
I just recently was able to take advantage of Ian as a RESET practitioner.  He was able to help me after I did something to injure a muscle in my left hip and I was unable to perform many of my exercises. I am moving well now and ready to get back to training once again.
I would like to thank Ian and Pumps Fitness for helping me to get to where I am today.  I am leading a much fuller life because I now am able to do much more for myself.  I’m stronger, both physically and mentally, and my family and I are grateful for it.

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