Sunday, November 6, 2016

Get a jump on the New Year

As a personal trainer I get all fired up when a client throws in the towel the last two months of the year by missing workouts, not giving full effort in their training sessions and slacking on their eating plans. 

When I'd call them out on it, they'd always say that they plan to really commit hard and stick to the program come January...

...that the coming year was "their year". 

I never bought that lip service and always called them out on it. 

The way I looked at it was like this... 

You're going to slack on your diet and training and blame the holidays.

By doing that you're going to stack the odds against yourself by gaining fat, losing strength, energy and motivation and then you think you're going to magically commit and stick to a training program? 

That's not happening, you're more likely to continue on the path of failure and get further out of shape. 

My clients who see the best results are the ones who kept their fitness and nutrition their highest priority. They knew that if they could stick to their workouts and cleaning eating during the holiday months, they would go into the new year with greater motivation! 

Now I realize that the holidays are filled with tempting treats and desserts that are hard to resist. I preach to my clients the 80/20 rule, where 80% of the time you are on the straight and narrow with exercise and nutrition and 20% of the time you live a little.

The holidays are one of the times when the 20% kicks in. But let's not get carried away! I've found some dessert recipes that will satisfy your sweet tooth but not sabotage your fitness goals. Check out our website to get a jump on your New Year's resolution for better health and fitness.

Call today for a consultation and assessment!

Phone: 219-548-3480

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